An employer brand has many communicative and legal facets. If you take a comprehensive look at the brand with its challenges, you will find many synergies to create value for your business – and thus to achieve the best possible results.

Employ­ment law

Stan­dards pro­tect­ing employ­ees and labour court ju­ris­dic­tion influ­ence the le­gal rela­tion­ship between employer and employee or the works coun­cils. Employ­ers often feel restricted by regu­la­tions they per­ceive as threat­en­ing to their posi­tions, with­out real­is­ing the numer­ous pos­si­bili­ties they have.

We help to recog­nise and use these – that way agree­ments moti­vat­ing both sides can be made and legal cer­tainty can be increased, both in find­ing tal­ent and in retain­ing staff.

Brand com­mu­ni­ca­tion

With our com­pre­hen­sive brand exper­tise and a well-proven method, we check your com­mu­ni­ca­tion media and help you to com­mu­ni­cate the right core mes­sages. The def­i­ni­tions of the employer brand’s con­tents are laid down in brand-shap­ing force fields.

This method also option­ally allows the exact def­i­ni­tion of the unique selling prop­o­si­tion and the added value of the entire cor­po­rate brand, which are laid down in a brand claim pyr­a­mid.